Some people think that the “easy” way to avoid probate – or even just the “easy” way to be sure that their “loved ones” can access their money to care for them in the event of incapacity is to add them to their bank accounts or even their real estate. This is the wrong way…
Why Adding Your Adult Children to Your Bank Account or Real Estate is NOT the Best Way to Plan
What causes a person’s estate to go through Probate??
Probate in California happens when the following facts are in alignment: #1 – a person died #2 – they were over 18 #3 – they owned assets – house, car, bank accounts, cds, stock, bonds, etc – any one of these or any combination of these #4 – the assets they did own were in…
What Happens When a Person Dies Without a Will or a Trust? What is intestate?
When you pass away, who will inherit your assets/your estate is dependent on a number of factors. One of the most important factors is how your assets are titled. If the asset was in a trust – it will be controlled by the terms of that trust. If the asset was held jointly with another…