“Little pig, little pig, let me come in, Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin. Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in” Remember this from your childhood?? The Big Bad Wolf who wanted in to the little pigs houses… At times I have to keep potential “Wolves” out…
A Brief Q. and A. on Estate Planning
Q: What is Estate Planning? What does the term, Estate Planning mean? A: Depending on who you are talking to that term can have a broad range of meanings. Many different professionals say that they “do” estate planning. As an Attorney it refers to helping my clients put into place the appropriate legal documents necessary…
Transitioning – from Adult Child to Parent Caregiver & Vice Versa
Transitions can be difficult. Marriage, birth, death, moving, change of job, financial windfall/loss, etc. There are many times in our lives where things change & big or small – happy or sad – we “transition” – we adjust to learn a new way of life so we can move forward. Change & the adjustment to…
Choosing A Guardian For Your Child
The question: What is a guardian? And how do I choose someone to be my child’s guardian? The answer: As a parent (biological or legally adoptive), you are the natural guardian of your child. You are responsible for the care, education and supervision of your child, until age 18. If both parents are deceased or unable to…
What is a Will??
A few weeks ago I posted regarding the topic – what is a trust…Here is an overview of a will. What is a WILL?? A will is a legal document that usually includes the following information: WHO your family is. WHO you want to leave your estate/assets to when you die. WHO you would put…
What is a Trust?
What a TRUST is from a legal document/legal relationship point of view. A trust is the formal setting of a relationship between Three Parties. The Trustor (aka Settlor aka Grantor) – or the person who creates the trust & usually has the assets that are going to go into the trust. The Trustee – the…